STEPWAY– There every step of the way!

Supporting all veterans in civilian life, no matter their background or circumstance.

Founded in June 2019 and received their CIO charity status in November 2019.

 FOUNDER AND CEO – Dawn Turner, BA (Hons) Criminology

Dawn Turner, founder and CEO of STEPWAY CIO, has dedicated most of her adult life to supporting others, particularly those from the Armed Forces community. As a mother of two serving soldiers, one now a veteran, Dawn has first-hand experience of the challenges faced by military personnel when transitioning to civilian life. This deep understanding has driven her passion to provide the vital support veterans and their families need.

Dawn’s professional background lies in the caring and nursing sector, where she spent many years developing her skills and knowledge. Her academic achievements include a BA Honours degree in Criminology, with a specialisation in Veterans’ mental health and the complex challenges of adjustment disorder. This academic expertise is complemented by her extensive experience in the military charity sector, where she has worked in various roles supporting veterans and their families as they navigate civilian life.

In addition to her work with STEPWAY, Dawn has been a guest speaker and external advisor at University College Birmingham and the University of Chester (Shrewsbury campus). These roles have allowed her to share her expertise in veterans’ mental health and adjustment issues with students and professionals alike, contributing to ongoing research and educational development in these critical areas.

With her strong leadership and deep commitment to supporting veterans, Dawn continues to drive STEPWAY’s mission, ensuring that those who have served receive the guidance and support they need to thrive in civilian life.

The History Behind STEPWAY and the 7-Step Civilian Skills Program

The name “STEPWAY” emerged after much thoughtful discussion on what the charity should represent. It needed to capture the essence of the work to be done at ground level, where veterans would be supported and empowered through every challenge, without any time constraints.

As Dawn Turner explained, “We need to be there every step of the way, addressing all areas of dynamic need, without limitation to circumstance.” This idea of ongoing, unconditional support was central to the charity’s mission.

Initially, the charity was almost named “Severn Stepway,” inspired by the River Severn, as STEPWAY was founded in Worcester. However, it was soon realised that it sounded more like a physical location than a mission-driven organisation. So, the simpler and more direct name “STEPWAY” was chosen, encapsulating the idea that the charity would walk with veterans “every step of the way.” This phrase soon became the charity’s tagline, embodying the belief that veterans should receive support in civilian life, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The 7-Step Civilian Skills Program, developed by Dawn Turner, is the heart of STEPWAY’s work. This carefully structured program provides essential life skills training, specifically designed to help veterans navigate the often complex transition from military to civilian life. The program addresses key areas such as employment, housing, mental health, and social integration, ensuring that veterans are equipped with the tools they need to thrive beyond the uniform.

Each step of the program focuses on different aspects of civilian life, from understanding benefits and financial literacy to improving emotional resilience and community engagement. It’s more than just a framework; it’s a holistic approach that gives veterans the confidence and practical skills to not only adjust but excel in their new lives.

Through this program, STEPWAY has become known for its comprehensive support system, offering veterans a pathway to a fulfilling civilian life, step by step.

Finding a Sense of Belonging and Purpose in Civilian Life

Two key elements that can greatly impact mental wellbeing are a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. For many veterans, these essential components are often missing when they transition from military to civilian life. The structure, camaraderie, and clear sense of purpose that defined their military careers can be difficult to replace in civilian life, leaving many feeling uncertain about their place and role in society.

With this in mind, the Drop-in Centre was established to offer veterans a welcoming space where they could regain that all-important sense of belonging. Here, veterans can connect with others who share similar experiences and find support in a community that truly understands their journey.

Following this, the outdoor community project was launched to provide a further opportunity for veterans to engage with purposeful, meaningful work. Through these initiatives, veterans are not only offered a place to belong, but also a renewed sense of purpose in their civilian lives, promoting better mental wellbeing and overall quality of life.


a) When leaving the army, it takes 7 clicks to freedom—seven clicks of the computer mouse to officially end your military career. Naturally, the next stage of life is the “7 steps”—the Survival Kit for Civvy Street, which leads to freedom, control, and empowerment.

b) When you join the armed forces, you’re trained to become a soldier, but you’re not retrained to become a civilian. This is particularly true for those whose careers are cut short through medical discharge or for early service leavers (those who serve 4 years or less). It’s a common struggle, even for people now in their 60s and 70s, who are still grappling with this transition. Perhaps we need to “reprogram”?

c) Decades ago, the word program appeared in both American and British writing. However, in the 19th century, we began to favour the French spelling—programme. Interestingly, program can also function as a verb, meaning to reset or regulate to produce a specific result. And that’s exactly what the 7-Step Civilian Skills Program does—it helps veterans to re-train, to “re-program” themselves, making the transition to civilian life smoother and improving mental wellbeing. So, the next time someone asks why STEPWAY chose the word program in the title, you’ll know the answer!

LAST FUN FACT… How many letters are in the word STEPWAY? Seven!


We are a registered Charity incorporated Organisation (CIO). To improve your mental wellbeing by providing you with a sense of belonging and purpose in civilian life! Furthermore to promote inclusive communities.