The Community projects are open to wider community and a good place for families to enjoy together

The Community Gardens

The North Stables situated on Pitchcroft Racecourse Worcester WR1 3JW
STEPWAY are working in partnership Transition Worcester and the project was funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund ‘Positive pathways’ 2020-2021.
Paul Taylor a Veteran and our Community Project lead. He has over 30 years of experience on Community projects and supporting people with Mental health conditions
If you would like to visit the community project, call Paul on: 07522965645
Introducing outdoor projects plays a huge integral part in veterans mental well-being and physical health.
The Wellbeing Centre Merton Close, Sandwell B68 8NG
At the Wellbeing centre we have Volunteer, Carol who has over 30 years experience running garden projects, forest schools and has lots of local connections who have come on board to make the outdoor project something special for the whole community be involved with.
If you would like to visit the community project, please call Ray on 0121 7922 723
This project is possible with the kind donations from the public and part funded by Sandwell Council ‘Big plans for a great place’


A journey being involved in the outdoor community projects, involving yourself in group tasks, learning, participating, creating a healthy body and a healthy mind. These will all play a pivotal role in self-esteem and raising confidence. In our 7-Step Civilian Skills program, Step 5 is all about a healthy body a healthy mind. How we look at what we eat, the importance of daily exercise, the outdoors clean air and participating in group activities. All of which will have a positive effect on your mental health.

We understand the importance to learn and develop knowledge and understanding of the outside space, as it is a much richer context than the indoors.
A dynamic space where you can learn about nature, grow your own vegetables or fruits, take part in other outdoor activities and breathe in the clean air.
A feel good factor that you are engaging in nature and supporting the environment.

Come and join our team of volunteers and be part of something special
Stories for the coal front

I have suffered with mental health issues for a long time and over time step by step i have managed to find my trigger points and slowly learn how to deal with them and i have nature and gardening to thank for that. For the past 2 years I have been working for myself as a gardener and have completed various landscaping projects. Bio diversity is my focus. My aim is to introduce pollinators and other wild life back into people’s green space, I have organised a few volunteer weekends in Essex where volunteers from all over the country came to camp and clean up green spaces that weekend we planted 1500 trees. It’s all about the balance nature can be a great healer just putting our hands in the soil to plant is known to release endorphins that make us feel good. I’m really looking forward to working with you all down at the Community Garden. ~Paul Taylor, Veteran and Community Project lead~
There are lots of opportunities for you to learn new skills, join our outdoor adventure and volunteer to contribute to this fantastic opportunity, working with the natural world. For more information contact us today.
To register your interest or to refer a client, please complete this short online form-

Nice to come down when its sunny and wet. Meet friends and have a laugh and a joke as it prevents me starring at the four walls. It’s good for both physical and mental wellbeing. I enjoy the banter it gives me a few hours peace. Nice to sit here by the fire going it’s just nice reminiscing surrounded by beautiful women. Woody (Veteran)

Volunteering days-Volunteering at the community projects is great way to ‘give back’ It promotes team work and we enjoyed the friendly banter too! Free refreshments, lunch and lots of guidance and support.
Volunteer your time to help out STEPWAY , you will not only feel like you have achieved something but you will also feel like part of something special! (Collective)

The allotment project gave me a reason to get up and outside in the fresh air also invaluable to us as a family in lock down as we came down learned new skills. Inspired us and gave us confidence to grow our own as a family.
As a mentor it enabled me to encourage my clients to come down and join in, the camaraderie gave them a purpose and a mission to get their teeth into. Often the veterans come to us are shy or not very confident when it comes to meeting others. The allotment gives them something in common to discuss and get involved with, as many of them miss working as a team. Tina D. (Veteran & Operations Director)

Collection of thoughts
1 promote an improvement in mental health
2 to enable veterans to gain new skills
3 to make new friendships
4 to work and socialise with likeminded people
5 to have a sense of belonging
6 to give veterans empowerment
7 to promote healthy living and healthy lifestyle
8 to give veterans a sense of purpose
9 to break barriers between civilian and military volunteers
10 to produce food for the homeless in Worcestershire and West Midlands
11 to a place of safety for volunteers to attend

An introduction into health and safety and a free allergy test available
A brief history into bee keeping and about the different types of hives.
All equipment and protective suits are provided for you to have hands on experience on how to do an inspection and finally to the point of extracting the honey.
Who it’s for…
If you’ve ever wondered how honey is made a beekeeping experience is for you. If you’re thinking of keeping bees yourself, this project gives you an excellent insight into what being a beekeeper involves. If you like honey you’ll love it!
Who it’s not for…
If you are allergic to bee stings this might not be the activity for you, as they are very much hands-on beekeeping experiences at our beekeeping centres around the county.

- The reason bees are so noisy is because they beat their wings 11,400 times in one minute!
- Only female bees can sting. Male bees don’t have stingers.
- Honey bees communicate through a series of dance moves.
- A hive of bees will fly over 55,000 miles to make 1lb of honey and can create 100lbs of honey in a year.
- Bees can sense the hormone a human gives off when they’re scared. If they feel their hive is threatened they’ll attack.
- The Honey Bee is the only insect that makes food humans can eat.
- Each Honey Bee from the same hive has their own specific colour identification.
- The Ancient Egyptian King Pepy II came up with a clever insect repellent. He would cover a slave completely with honey so they would be attracted to the honey and not him.
- Eating honey makes you smarter! It has an antioxidant that improves brain functions.
- It would cost 1.8 billion for U.K farmers to pollinate their crops without bees.
- There has been over 270 species of bees recorded in the U.K.